The Daniel Webster Preservation Trust (DWPT) works to connect people, history, and culture. We tend to collect archival material like journals, letters, documents, photos, furnishings and textiles. Our priority is to collect items that help us tell a story about Daniel Webster and the Estate. All donations start with you reaching out us at or by clicking on the link below. Please explain what you would like to donate, the history of the items, and their connection to Daniel Webster or the Estate. Information about the owner and when or how they were made or acquired is also helpful. A board member will follow up with a request for photos and additional information. Materials will be assessed at the monthly board meeting and all donors will be notified of the board’s decision.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept everything submitted. The DWPT is tasked with carefully assessing offered items to ensure that our collections help tell the history of the Estate while also being the best steward of our limited resources.

DWPT is a 501(c)3 organization, so all donations or gifts-in-kind are tax deductible. The donor is responsible for determining and documenting the value of a donation.



The Daniel Webster Estate warmly welcomes volunteers year-round, offering various opportunities to contribute to our endeavors. Whether you’re lending a hand at one of our Seasonal Teas, assisting during Family Fun Day, or participating in spring cleaning activities like polishing silver or tidying up the grounds, there’s always a meaningful way to engage with the estate’s preservation and community events. From greeting guests at our annual Christmas show house to supporting ongoing projects, volunteers play a vital role in maintaining the spirit and heritage of the estate.

To get involved, please click on the link below or give us a call at 781-834-0548. Join us in preserving and celebrating the Daniel Webster Estate’s rich history and legacy.