Founded in 1989 by Jim Cantwell, Michael Donohue, and Bob McCracken, the Daniel Webster Preservation Trust (DWPT) was officially incorporated in February 1990 with the primary aim of preventing the estate from succumbing to development and instead preserving it for public use and enjoyment. Collaborating closely with the Historical Commission from the outset, the Trust successfully advocated for the inclusion of the house on the National Registry of Historical Places.

In 1995, a pivotal Town Meeting endorsed the acquisition of the house and its remaining 14 acres for $500,000, with half of the funding sourced from a Massachusetts state grant. Subsequently, the Town, in conjunction with the Historical Commission and Massachusetts Historical, secured additional grant funding for the mansion’s restoration efforts. Notably, in 2005, the Pilgrim Hall Museum in Plymouth spearheaded a designer show house initiative at the estate, overseeing the completion of interior decoration and certain landscaping endeavors by talented designers.


The mission of the Daniel Webster Preservation Trust is to ensure the enduring legacy of the Daniel Webster Estate by providing stewardship for its maintenance and preservation. We are dedicated to establishing the Estate as a self-sustaining historical asset of the Town, fostering a deep appreciation for its significance in American history. Through ongoing renovations and restorations, we honor the rich history of the Estate while maintaining its integrity for future generations. Our commitment extends to the Daniel Webster Heritage Center, where we promote historical education about Daniel Webster and his profound impact on the United States. By expanding our membership, we aim to build the financial and volunteer support necessary to achieve our preservation and operational goals, safeguarding this invaluable piece of our nation's heritage.

The Daniel Webster Preservation Trust, Inc., an all-volunteer entity recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


Chairman Ex Officio:

Jim Cantwell

Executive Members:

President - Carol Kiburis

Co-Vice President - Barbara Carney

Co-Vice President - Mickey Carr

Treasurer - Robert Gilgan

Secretary - Elizabeth Cook

Board Members:

Pat Cate, Karrie Greene, Dave Harrington, R-lene Gilman, Karyn Lux, Ann McAleer, Larry Nelson

In Memoriam:

Otis Carney, Virginia Gaffey, Phyllis Nielsen, Prudence Tiro